Park West Gallery Presents EmpowHER

 In Alexa Jacobs, Allison Lefcort, Anna August, Aprajita Lal, Art & Gallery News, Autumn de Forest, Celeste Reiter, Events & Special Exhibitions, Kat Tatz, Leslie Lew, Melanie Stimmell, New York Museum

In honor of Women’s History Month, Park West Gallery SoHo spotlights the works of female artists in a live auction.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, March 19, 2024 – Park West Gallery SoHo is recognizing Women’s History Month with EmpowHER, the first of its kind female artist-only live auction. Led by female auctioneer, Molly Townsend, artists included in the auction:
Autumn de Forest, Allison Lefcort, Celeste Reiter, Kat Tatz, Leslie Lew, Lexie Jacobs, Aprajita Lal, Anna August and Melanie Stimmell.

On March 28th, the EmpowHER auction will feature an exclusive collection of works spanning various styles and mediums. Attendees will have the opportunity to bid on pieces that showcase artistic excellence and highlight the diversity of voices and perspectives in the women’s art community.

“Park West is staunch in our commitment to moving the needle for female artists in today’s market,” says Park West Gallery Executive Vice President John Block. “The disparities we see in what collectors own come down to a lack of availability of art by women in galleries and at auctions. That is one of the biggest imbalances we are aiming to change.”

In addition to the auction, attendees can explore Park West Gallery’s collection of works by iconic master artists.

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