Thank you for inspiring me, Dad

Being a father has its challenges, but it also has its rewards. One of those priceless gifts is having a positive influence when raising a child, whether it’s inviting them to enjoy what you [...]

Five Days in France with Park West Gallery

An exclusive look at Albert and Marc Scaglione's recent excursion to connect with Park West artists in France.

The Artist’s Studio: Victor Spahn (Video)

France's well-known "Painter of Movement" takes Park West Gallery on a tour of his studio in Paris.

Park West Visits Rembrandt House in Amsterdam – Part 2

Park West President, Marc Scaglione; Gallery Director, Morris Shapiro and staff escorted approximately 70 Park West clients through a private tour of the house in Amsterdam in June.

Take the Rembrandt House Museum Video Tour

Take a video tour of the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam.

In Memoriam: Roy E. Disney (1930-2009)

Roy Edward Disney, nephew of Walt Disney, died Wednesday at the age of 79.

Park West Gallery Launches Tim Yanke Website

Park West Gallery announces the recent launch of a website for Michigan-based artist Tim Yanke.

Print Club of Albany Exhibits Park West Art Donation at Fulton Street Gallery

The Print Club of Albany will be exhibiting artwork donated by Albert Scaglione, founder and CEO of Park West Gallery, and Marc Scaglione, President of Park West.

A Special Park West Event at Linda Le Kinff’s Studio and Home

In a special unprecedented visit, Park West Gallery's Director, Morris Shapiro, and Park West President, Marc Scaglione, along with others on the Park West team, visited the home and studio of [...]