Park West Gallery Mourns the Loss of Artist Charles Bragg

Park West Gallery is saddened by the loss of painter, sculptor, author and satirist Charles Bragg who passed away on January 9, 2017 at the age of 85. “Charles was an American original full of [...]

Thank you for inspiring me, Dad

Being a father has its challenges, but it also has its rewards. One of those priceless gifts is having a positive influence when raising a child, whether it’s inviting them to enjoy what you [...]

In the studio – (Laughing) with Charles Bragg

Spending time with Charles Bragg means spending time laughing. The son of traveling vaudevillians, he’s truly a master of comic timing and finds the humor in all things, something clearly [...]

Artist Charles Bragg on hanging his art in the Louvre

The incomparable Charles Bragg shares with Park West's founder and CEO that unbelievable moment ...