Inside the Opening Weekend of Chris Sebo’s Art Exhibition in Hawaii

Back in November of ‘21, Oahu’s very own Chris Sebo was crowned the inaugural winner of Park West Gallery’s “Made in Hawaii” artist competition. Sebo prevailed over hundreds of fellow Hawaiian [...]

Witness “The Artistic Evolution of Autumn De Forest” at the Monthaven Arts Center

Often, when we encounter a major artist for the first time, they’ve already settled into the style that will define their career. However, in the case of art prodigy Autumn de Forest, the art [...]

Michigan’s Park West Museum Re-Opens with New Art & Renovations

Now that Michigan has lifted many of its restrictions around indoor gatherings, art lovers in the metro Detroit area will have the opportunity to explore an exciting selection of new and expanded [...]

Explore Michael Godard’s Exciting New Museum Exhibition ‘The Secret Life of Olives’

As a former musician, artist Michael Godard knows the importance of having a good opening act. Fortunately, he had one of the best for his museum exhibition at Hendersonville, Tennessee’s [...]

Michael Godard Reveals ‘The Secret Life of Olives’ at Nashville’s Monthaven Arts

Art collectors from all walks of life know the name “Michael Godard.” Godard’s intricate and irreverent paintings have won him fans around the globe as well as the nickname the [...]

Salvador Dalí’s ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Comes to Atlanta

The Park West Foundation’s acclaimed traveling museum exhibition, “Salvador Dalí’s Stairway to Heaven,” is continuing its tour of the United States. Until August 31, you can find the [...]

Learn How Colombian Sculptor Nano Lopez Is Inspired by Nature

When master sculptor Nano Lopez steps outside, he doesn’t just see grass, trees or animals – he sees life, inspiration and miracles. “Everything is a miracle, everything is amazing – life in [...]

Take a Peek Inside Tim Yanke’s Monthaven Arts Exhibition

Take a sneak peek at the Monthaven Arts & Cultural Center's latest exhibtiion, "Tim Yanke: Abstract Musings," on display until February 10, 2019.

Tim Yanke Shares His ‘Abstract Musings’ at New Monthaven Art Exhibition

When Tim Yanke creates one of his abstract paintings, it’s like watching a jazz musician belt out an improvised solo. His hands move across the canvas, driven by instinct, and the final product [...]

Watch Alexandre Renoir Evoke ‘Moments of Bliss’ at His Monthaven Arts Exhibition

As the great-grandson of famous French Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alexandre Renoir is carrying on his ancestor’s mission of bringing beauty into the lives of others through art. It’s [...]