Chinese Single’s Day: 9 Empowering Paintings

Every year, Valentines Day reminds lonely souls just how lonely they are as people endure public displays of affection, flowers delivered to co-workers and the occasional “friendly” [...]

Victor Spahn featured in book on Gordes artistic history

  Park West artist Victor Spahn is inspired by the landscapes he sees and visits, so it’s no wonder that due to his love of his homeland, he is featured in a new French publication. Spahn is [...]

Victor Spahn’s La Bohéme feature video

Beautiful music and exquisite art speak a universal language. With that in mind (because there aren’t subtitles), enjoy this French video that features the studio and artwork of Park West [...]

Victor Spahn’s art takes the stage in La Bohême

Puccini’s famous opera La Bohême opens in an artist’s studio. Tonight during a broadcast production of the dramatic work staged by the Bordeaux National Opera, the opening closeup of [...]

Five Days in France with Park West Gallery

An exclusive look at Albert and Marc Scaglione's recent excursion to connect with Park West artists in France.

The Artist’s Studio: Victor Spahn (Video)

France's well-known "Painter of Movement" takes Park West Gallery on a tour of his studio in Paris.

Mitsie’s Memories: Victor Spahn, Art in Motion

Written exclusively for Park West Gallery by Mitsie Scaglione.

Victor Spahn, the Painter of Movement

Victor Spahn's dynamic artwork and exclusive footage of the painter at work in his studio.

Park West Gallery Artist Victor Spahn Featured in Univers des Arts Magazine

Park West Gallery artist Victor Spahn was featured in the December/January 2009 issue of French magazine Univers des Arts