Park West Gallery’s Albert Scaglione Interviewed on Discovery of Rare Renaissance Painting

Can you imagine discovering that a painting hanging in your family home was worth millions? The popular radio program, Michigan Big Show, brought Park West Gallery Founder and CEO Albert [...]

Behind the Artist: Csaba Markus

When someone is described with the adjective “Renaissance,” it means they’re someone who has an unusually wide range of talents. For artist Csaba Markus, however, the term “Renaissance man” takes [...]

7 Things You Might Not Know About Illuminated Manuscripts

An Illuminated Manuscript is a beautifully crafted book, but it’s also so much more—it’s a literal piece of art history. Illuminated manuscripts are hand-crafted books with pages that feature [...]

Park West Gallery Artist Csaba Markus Unveils Caldographs

For the first 15 years of his career, Csaba Markus didn’t sign his art because he was unsure of its quality. Today, Markus’ signature is the finishing touch on an innovative new medium he is [...]

The Rise and Reign of Modern Art

In the last 150 years alone, the art world has taken a series of tenacious twists and turns. What was once defined by ornate encasements, master apprenticeships and royal commissions transformed [...]

How Olympic athletes inspired Tomasz Rut

The art of Tomasz Rut captures the beautiful acts and emotions of mankind with god-like figures that could have descended from Mt. Olympus. As it turns out, the real reasons behind Rut’s style is [...]

Contemporary Artist Peter Nixon: Inspiration and Style

Peter Nixon's been inspired by many facets of life – from his early introduction to etching to his encounters with Venice and the movements of a classical dance troupe

The “Fathers” of Art

In honor of this upcoming Father's Day, we've compiled a list of some of history's most distinguished "fathers" of art.

Albrecht Dürer: Impressions of the Renaissance

Albrecht Dürer: Impressions of the Renaissance features 41 works celebrating the world of Albrecht Dürer, one of the greatest artists of the Northern Renaissance.

The Brilliant Line: Following the Early Modern Engraver

The RISD Museum of Art presents The Brilliant Line: Following the Early Modern Engraver, 1480-1650.

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