“Some Say They See Poetry In My Paintings”

 In Artists & Special Collections, Fanch Ledan, Georges Seurat

“Originality depends only on the character of the drawing and the vision peculiar to each artist.” — Georges Seurat

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Source: Wikimedia Commons

George Seurat – born December 2, 1859 in Paris, France – was only 26 years old when he completed the masterpiece A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (shown above). The landmark painting initiated the Modern Art movement known as Neo-Impressionism, which relied on a technique of breaking color into its most basic elements. The artist applied paint in very small dabs, dots, and dashes which from a distance translate into the larger regions of color and form.

Seurat’s signature style continues to influence contemporary painters like Park West Gallery artist, Fanch Ledan. In Interior with Seurat (shown below), Fanch has decorated a wall of interior space with Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.

Interior with Seurat by Fanch Ledan

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