Watch Geometric Artist Ron Agam Talk About Living Life Among the Lines
When you’re an artist who specializes in abstract geometry like Ron Agam, you spend a lot of time thinking about lines.
“Lines are my vocabulary,” says Ron. “Lines are how I formulate my space.”
Ron Agam reflects on the geometry behind his wildly successful artistic career in this new video titled “Living Among Lines.” The video follows Ron around New York City and inside his studio as he talks about his creative process.

Ron Agam
The result is a refreshingly honest portrait of an artist struggling to explain the mysterious origins of his inspiration.
He describes his urge to create art as “something intuitive,” noting that it’s driven by “the desire to go toward something that I can’t always explain. I just choose this color. Why do I choose this color? I don’t know. But it’s here and I choose it and I create something.”
Ron Agam is an innovator in the field of lenticular art. He is the son of the world-renowned artist Yaacov Agam, one of the pioneers of the modern kinetic art movement. However, Ron’s staggering new “3-DK” designs (three-dimensional kinetic) present an electrifying artistic perspective that’s uniquely his own.
Utilizing optical elements, abstract geometric designs, and lenticular lenses, Ron’s artwork appears to alter and move as you walk past it.

“Kinetic Square” (2018)
Talking about Ron’s 3DK designs, Yaacov Agam said, “These are a new medium and no word has yet been found to describe them. They move from a three-dimensional image into a four-dimensional image with the addition of the viewer’s temporal experience. The passage of time is required to perceive the artwork.”
Ron spent decades as an acclaimed photographer before deciding to pursue fine art. He first began painting at the age of 52. Though he quickly found success, in “Living Among Lines,” Ron talks about how coming to painting later in life has affected how he approaches his art career.
“People say to me, ‘You never go anywhere. You work all the time,’” says Ron. “I started pretty late. So I work and I work and the more I work, the more I get inspired and the more I get into it and… it’s fantastic.”
If you’re interested in collecting the art of Ron Agam, register for our exciting life online auctions or contact our gallery consultants at (800) 521-9654 ext. 4 or

“The Age of Disruption 2” (2018)