Australian Artist Graeme Stevenson Is Heading to Space

Back in 2008, Graeme Stevenson—the acclaimed artist from Australia—decided that the artist community in his home country and abroad could use a little more exposure. He wanted to show the amazing [...]

Exploring the Universal Appeal of Scott Jacobs’ Incredible Photorealistic Art

In 1993, thanks to his amazing hyper-real painting style, artist Scott Jacobs became the first licensed artist in Harley-Davidson history and, almost 30 years later, he continues to create [...]

Behind the Artist: Scott Jacobs

Scott Jacobs embraces freedom, individualism, and rebellion, much like the beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycles he enjoys riding and painting. Similarly, a look back at Jacobs’ rise to fame [...]

Artist Scott Jacobs Refuses to Quit After Motorcycle Accident

Since the age of 15, Scott Jacobs has been riding motorcycles. At just 19 years old, he began his art career by opening his own gallery, making a living in fine art ever since. But everything [...]

Behind the Artist: Graeme Stevenson

The life of prolific Australian artist Graeme Stevenson reads more like a movie hero than a painter: pilot, martial artist, photographer, diver, paramedic, motorcycle enthusiast, and [...]

No Photographs Here

The Artistic Stylings of Scott Jacobs Scott Jacobs has done it all. From skydiving to bodybuilding and starring in a prime-time television show, he has built an extraordinary list of adventures [...]

Graeme Stevenson invites viewers to Put Some Colour In Your Life

Imagine a library full of artist videos that teaches you their techniques, shows the artist’s personality and why they do what they do. Thanks to Graeme Stevenson, there is no need to merely [...]

The car art of Scott Jacobs

Scott Jacobs may be most well known for his incredible photorealistic paintings of Harley-Davidsons, but his passion for vehicles actually began with four-wheels. After painting numerous [...]

Scott Jacobs to Run the Motorcycle Cannonball 2012

Jacobs will run the Motorcycle Cannonball 2012 Endurance Race on his fully-restored 1926 Harley-Davidson J.

Harley-Davidson Artist Scott Jacobs on “Jay Leno’s Garage”

Scott Jacobs recently sat down for an interview with Jay Leno.

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