Happy 116th Birthday Norman Rockwell!

To honor the most popular and well-known American artist of all time, today's Google doodle incorporates an illustration by Norman Rockwell.

Honoring MLK Day: Norman Rockwell and the Civil Rights Movement

The article “Rockwell painted civil rights portraits, too," challenges the popular belief that legendary illustrator and storyteller Norman Rockwell ignored racial and social issues.

Norman Rockwell: Fact and Fiction at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

The Cedar Rapids Museum of Art (CRMA) is pleased to present Norman Rockwell: Fact & Fiction.

Norman Rockwell’s Rosie the Riveter Joins Crystal Bridges’ Collection

Norman Rockwell’s painting Rosie the Riveter, an immensely popular icon of the American work ethic, is now part of the permanent collection at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Experiencing Rockwell

There is a disconnect, a separation (more like a chasm) in the art world between the arbiters of what is and isn't "art" and the American people.