Cézanne – Picasso – Mondrian in the Hague

 In Art & Gallery News, Artists & Special Collections, Exhibits, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne

The Park West Gallery masterworks collection is one of the world’s finest, showcasing artwork by artists including Paul Cézanne and Pablo Picasso. Browse the Park West Gallery Collection online >>

THE HAGUE — Paul Cézanne is the ‘father of modern art’. Ironically, the painter who frequently found himself turned down for the Paris salons is now regarded as one of the most important artists of his day. Pablo Picasso and Piet Mondrian followed the lead he set and the three of them were responsible for what is perhaps the most decisive development in all art history: the inception of abstract art.

Paul Cézanne. The Bathers, c. 1890

These three revolutionary artists are now the subject of a major international exhibition at the Gemeentemuseum Den HaagCézanne – Picasso – Mondrian. The exhibits will reveal in spectacular fashion how advances in painting suddenly gathered pace around 1900. The result is a thrilling story that takes the viewer from the sumptuous palette of Cézanne via the brilliantly coloured – and sometimes humorous – paintings of Picasso to the extremely subtle compositions of Mondrian.

No other artist of the late nineteenth century had a heavier and more lasting influence on his successors than Paul Cézanne: with his subtle sense of color and daring compositions, he broke a lance for future generations. The exhibition will include the sensual, world-famous Bathers and the Provençal landscapes featuring Mont Sainte-Victoire, near the small village of Vauvenargues.

This exhibition at the Gemeentemuseum offers a unique insight into the evolution of modern Western art – an evolution in which each of these three great painters played a pioneering role.

Cézanne – Picasso – Mondrian is on view through Jan. 24, 2010.

For more information, please visit www.gemeentemuseum.nl

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