Answering the Absurd: 10 Questions with Artist Michael Cheval

Absurdity can be used in many ways, from making people laugh to revealing new perspectives on old ideas. For Michael Cheval, absurdity is his invitation to be creative. Inspired by the Surrealist [...]

Artist Michael Cheval Talks About His Ideas, Inspirations, and ‘Explaining’ His Art

Looking at a Michael Cheval painting can be a mind-bending experience. Once you stop admiring his technical skill, you find yourself drawn into the surreal landscapes and absurd narratives that [...]

What Is Surrealism? How Art Illustrates the Unconscious

Surrealism is more than an artistic style—it’s an artistic movement. Unlike other creative movements, which can be characterized by themes of imagery, color choices, or techniques, defining [...]

4 Contemporary Artists Answer ‘What’s Your Favorite Work of Art?’

Park West Gallery artists inspire collectors all over the world, but what art inspires the artists? How do they answer the question, “What’s your favorite work of art?” We asked four different [...]

Michael Cheval Finds the Absurd in Surrealism

Donning a bowler hat, artist Michael Cheval bears a resemblance to artist René Magritte. The similarity is no coincidence, as Cheval’s art is heavily inspired by the late Surrealist. But, despite [...]

Artist Michael Cheval Tells the Stories Behind His Fall Art

Many artists are drawn to the unique colors and sensations of autumn, and that includes Absurdist artist Michael Cheval. “I love autumn,” Cheval says. “I love the season when colors are [...]

Decoding Michael Cheval’s Tribute to Modern Artists

In Michael Cheval’s “Lullaby of Uncle Magritte,” viewers are faced with shape-filled landscapes, odd trinkets and a man who looks to be made out of cheese. It begs the question: “What does it [...]

Fashion, Books and Tunes: How Artists Seek Inspiration

In the mid-20th century, American art critic Clement Greenberg governed the standards of the art world with one audacious idea: Art should refer only to itself – not history, not culture, not [...]

New Park West Artists Featured in Holiday Sale

Park West Gallery is constantly seeking the greatest artistic talents throughout the world to bring collectors new artwork from highly sought-after contemporary artists. This past year, the [...]

How to Appreciate Art

Unlocking the meaning behind a work of art is one of the many joys of viewing and collecting. But how do you appreciate art and actually interpret it? Often, there is a veneer of elitism [...]

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