For the Love of Tarkay: Meet a New Park West Gallery Collector

Do you follow Park West Gallery on Facebook? If not, you absolutely should! We share news stories, new works of art, live interviews with our artists, thoughts from our fantastic auctioneers, and [...]

‘I Am Always Painting’: A Rare Interview with Artist Itzchak Tarkay

Renowned figurative artist Itzchak Tarkay was famous for avoiding discussions of his art. He was shy and frequently avoided the spotlight. However, in 2006, after a collectors’ event, Tarkay was [...]

Remembering the Astounding Legacy of Artist Itzchak Tarkay: VIDEO

Itzchak Tarkay was one of the key figurative artists of the 20th century. This video takes us inside his studio, honoring his unforgettable legacy.

5 Artists Talk About Itzchak Tarkay’s Influence on Their Work

Itzchak Tarkay is world famous for his alluring, captivating compositions, but, within the art community, Tarkay is perhaps best known for being a generous mentor to his fellow artists. [...]

The Enigmatic Women of Itzchak Tarkay Come Alive in This New Spring Collection

Few artists understand beauty in the way that Itzchak Tarkay did. A legend in the figurative art movement, Tarkay’s works are instantly recognizable. A spiritual cousin to Toulouse-Lautrec and [...]

What Your Favorite Art Medium Says About You

We all know the saying – beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art, too, is subjectively rooted, oftentimes lending itself to strong attitudes to a favorite art medium. To put it simply, art [...]