Watch Wyland Paint His 101st Whaling Wall Mural in Seattle

If you were in Seattle at the end of July 2019, you might have seen something BIG happening on the waterfront. Wyland, one of the most successful marine wildlife artists in the world, spent four [...]

Autumn de Forest Paints First-Ever Mural at Miami’s Wynwood Walls

Having already exhibited her art in prevalent museums and galleries by the age of 16, art prodigy Autumn de Forest added some street cred to her impressive resume by painting her first-ever [...]

Watch the Aquatic Art of Wyland Come to Life

Wyland remembers the first time he saw the ocean. He was fourteen years old, visiting Southern California when he first encountered the Pacific Ocean. The experience changed the course of his [...]

Lebo Creates Miami Mural in Honor of 2018 FIFA World Cup

David “Lebo” Le Batard harkened back to his artistic roots to create a mural for one of the largest sporting events in the world—the FIFA World Cup. Spanish sports broadcaster Telemundo Deportes [...]

New Lebo Mural Welcomes Miami Beach Tourists

Visitors to Miami Beach will receive a warm and bright welcome thanks to a new mural by David “Lebo” Le Batard. The “Welcome to Miami Beach” mural was completed in early October 2016, the result [...]

Artist Birthdays December 29 – DAVID ALFARO SIQUEIROS

Today's artist birthdays.

Artist Birthdays December 8 – DIEGO RIVERA, ARISTIDE MAILLOL

Today's artist birthdays.