10 Peter Max Quotes About His Incredible Career as a Cosmic Artist

In the cover story for the September 5, 1969 issue of Life Magazine, there’s a large headline that reads “THE MARK OF MAX IS EVERYWHERE.” It’s referring to the art of [...]

12 Quotes from Pino on His Remarkable Career as an Artist

Pino is truly one of the modern masters of art. From his humble beginnings in Italy to his inevitable international fame, Pino built an artistic career defined by his unforgettable depictions of [...]

10 Quotes from Famous Artists to Remind Us Why Art Matters

Do you have any favorite art quotes? Is there a particular quote about art that really resonates with you? Not surprisingly, we believe art is pretty important at Park West Gallery, so we often [...]

10 Inspirational Quotes From Artists About Giving Thanks

Are having a hard time feeling thankful for the little things in life lately? If you need a spiritual boost, turn to some inspirational quotes from your favorite artists. Why artists? Because if [...]

Artists Quotes About Life and Creativity

It is in an artist’s nature to view the world through a particular lens. Throughout history, artists have imparted their outlook on life onto viewers through both their artwork and their words. [...]

Artists on Artists

Quotes from artists about other artists.

There is Nothing More Artistic Than to Love Others

Quotes about love by some of history's favorite artists.