Peter Max to create new Mario Cuomo artwork

 In Artists & Special Collections, Peter Max
Peter Max cuomo

Seen above is a poster by Peter Max of former New York Governor Mario Cuomo. Image courtesy of the New York Post.

The memorabilia of former New York Governor Mario Cuomo are becoming sought-out collector’s items, and has inspired Park West artist Peter Max to pay tribute to the Queens native.

Cuomo passed away on Jan. 1, 2015 due to heart failure. He was 82 years old. He served as the 52nd governor of New York from 1983 to 1994 (three terms), and as lieutenant governor from 1979 to 1982. Following his death, interest in keepsakes and tokens involving New York’s first Italian-American governor has risen.

Max has said he would return to the studio and work on new portraits of Cuomo, saying he considered the former governor a friend.

Cuomo had a reputation of being a powerful speaker, most notably from his keynote address during the 1984 Democratic National Convention.

To see more artwork from Max offered through Park West Gallery, click here.

Learn more about the life and work of Peter Max here

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