Behind the Artist: Slava Ilyayev

Slava Ilyayev not only respects his trade as an artist, he submits himself to it. In Ilyayev’s studio, it’s just himself, his tools, and his subject—imparting a true vision of artistic [...]

What Your Favorite Art Medium Says About You

We all know the saying – beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Art, too, is subjectively rooted, oftentimes lending itself to strong attitudes to a favorite art medium. To put it simply, art [...]

Know Your Art – Mediums and Techniques

Art – you either get it, or you don’t, right? There is no in-between. You’re either gifted with the know-how of all things higher and nobler or you’re a skeptic forever, [...]

The Smell of the Oil Paint, the Roar of the Crowd

An art auctioneer writes about his experience representing Park West Gallery aboard cruise ships.