How Animation Influenced Patrick Guyton’s Incredible Metallic Art

  Patrick Guyton’s metal artwork draws upon the eastern dynasties of yore, with zen-like balance in his compositions, lustrous leafing and a minimalism that soothes the viewer. With his [...]

Why Animation Art is One of the Most Important Art Forms of the 20th Century

Animation art is beloved around the world, but, if we’re being honest, it’s also underappreciated. How is that possible? How can it be adored and taken for granted at the same time? It’s easy to [...]

Video Premiere: Patrick Guyton Paints Elegance in Gold

Substrate: a substance or layer that underlies something on which a process occurs. This is where enzymes act, and from which organisms live, grow, or obtain nourishment. Patrick Guyton is a [...]

Super Artists and Their Favorite Superheroes

The year of 2016 is shaping up to be a big year for superhero films, with everything from Batman, Superman and Captain America to contemporary anti-heroes like Deadpool and the Suicide Squad [...]