Park West Auctioneer on the Advantages of a Career Selling Art at Sea

 In Cruise Art Auctions at Sea, Customer Corner

PARK WEST GALLERY receives tons of fantastic testimonials from happy art collectors and we would especially like to thank our cruise auction customers for sending us such wonderful comments about Park West art auctions at sea – please keep them coming! Park West Art Auctioneers provide some fantastic feedback as well and we thought Park West customers might enjoy hearing from our cruise ship auctioneers as much as we do! Here’s just one recent Park West Art Auctioneer testimonial, and be sure to check back for more to be posted soon!

Park West art auction at sea

“Being a Park West Art Auctioneer has been a truly amazing opportunity. I have a diverse background ranging from time spent in the military and police, to hotels, plus several years in sales and sales management. Park West has given me the chance to combine my love for and studies in art and history with my passion for sales in a way that no other career could have.

Of course the financial rewards are amazing, but without job satisfaction, the money doesn’t mean much. I can honestly say that I love what I do! Introducing new collectors to the joy of collecting; seeing the amazement in people’s eyes as I show a Rembrandt and relate the compelling story behind these incredible works; the excitement and energy of running a live cruise art auction for hundreds of people.

No two days are ever the same! I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I realize that I’m enjoying coffee in Colombia, strolling down the canals of Venice, hiking over the rocks and tundra of Greenland, or sitting in the famed Blue Lagoon in Iceland…”

Michael T.
Park West Auctioneer

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