Insufficient Wall Space Forces Park West Customer to Relocate

 In Cruise Art Auctions at Sea, Customer Corner

Park West at Sea Customer Testimonial“Because our Park West art collection kept getting bigger and bigger, we literally had to move from our small house to a bigger home with more wall space!

Throughout our cruises, we have purchased more than 50 pieces of art including Erte, Miro, Mouly, Tarkay, LeKinff, Martiros, Behrens, Pino, Aguiar, Picasso, Rembrandt, Max and others. Our home is a gallery and we love sharing our beautiful art with friends and family.

Thank you for making it possible to enjoy our surroundings. There are those who would buy RVs, boats, SUVs or motorcycles. We have seen a lot of these fads come and go, but our art is always here and no maintenance required. Just sit back and marvel at these beauties.

We are looking forward to our next Park West cruise with great anticipation, so we can switch out old art for new. As Dick would say – ‘Get the spackle out again – time to rotate.'”

Rosa & Dick B.
Stone Mountain, Georgia

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