Autumn de Forest visits Turnaround Arts school in D.C.

Autumn demonstrates “pull painting” to students at Savoy Elementary School. (Photo courtesy of Doug de Forest)
On Tuesday, September 29, the President’s Committee on The Arts and Humanities (PCAH) in Washington D.C invited Autumn de Forest to visit Savoy Elementary School, one of the original eight pilot schools selected to participate in Turnaround Arts, a signature program of the PCAH.
Autumn exhibited a technique she uses in some of her works called “pull painting” and delighted both the Pre-K and fifth-grade art students by having them do their own paintings right alongside her. A wonderful, enthusiastic and informative artistic morning was had by all.

A Savoy Elementary student applies what she learned from Autumn (Photo credit: Doug de Forest, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved)
“I was so honored to be able to visit the Savoy Elementary School in Washington, D.C. this week,” she says. “I met with a group of Pre-K kids and a group of fifth graders too, and we all painted together. I was really excited to show them some of my special tools and tricks, and just talk about how much fun it is to create and to be an artist.”

Autumn bonds with young creatives at Savoy Elementary during her visit. (Photo credit: Doug de Forest, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved)
Following, Autumn addressed an all-school assembly, during which she explained her message of passion for her artistry, the ability to make a difference in the world, and to work hard and strive to be the best you can be at those things you love to do.

Autumn had a chance to address the entire school and tell them her story. (Photo credit: Doug de Forest, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved)
“Wow, what an incredible, vibrant bunch of young souls!” she says. “It made me smile and cry at the same time. I consider it such a privilege to speak to kids about the importance of creativity.
“Expressing myself and not being afraid to say ‘I made this’ has been such a powerful force in my life. It has been the seed that has allowed me to travel the world and meet so many incredible people. I am honored to work with the Turnaround Arts program. This program helps schools that really need the arts, music, dance and theatre. They were fantastic hosts, and I love what they do!”
Canvases, paints and other supplies for the life-changing experience were generously donated by Park West Gallery.