The Incredible Process of Bringing Salvador Dalí’s “Divine Comedy” to Life

In 1950, famed Surrealist Salvador Dalí began work on an ambitious project—he was going to illustrate Dante’s 14th-century epic poem about the afterlife, “The Divine Comedy.” What he didn’t know [...]

The Strange History Behind Salvador Dalí’s “Divine Comedy”

Salvador Dalí was an unusual choice to illustrate Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy.” Dante’s epic poem is considered one of Italy’s national treasures, a work embraced by both Italian [...]

Behind the Artist: Duaiv

As a world-renowned cellist and painter—a virtue few artists possess—the exceptionally versatile Duaiv has dedicated his life to the arts. His fine art, influenced by his passion for music, is a [...]

The Alchemic Nature of Painting

An essay by Peter Nixon, written exclusively for Park West Gallery.