Nicole Suzanne Stahl

The works of accomplished artist Nicole Suzanne Stahl represent a deep appreciation for life and a passionate curiosity about the intricacies of living creation. Through her work, Nicole strives to inspire enlightenment and awe over the unsurpassed handiwork of the highly detailed “Designer and Creator of All Things.”
Nicole’s artistic career began in childhood. As a girl, she loved to spend time experimenting with watercolor painting as well as pencil and chalk drawings. It was evident, at an early age, that Nicole possessed a gift for expressing her heart through her hands.
In 1989, Nicole achieved her associate degree in applied arts and science. That same year, she married the love of her life and settled into a part-time job, working for a nationally recognized photographer. On the side, Nicole began Fox Den Studio, a home based studio from which she freelanced in graphic design, specializing in the creation of business logos and related materials. In just three years, Nicole’s clientele had grown to the point where her graphic work demanded her full time effort and she left her position at the photography studio. Of these years, Nicole says, “I liked working in graphic design but it seemed to be missing something – I hadn’t yet found my niche.”
Four years later, in 1993, Nicole was commissioned to paint a wall mural in a child’s playroom. From the moment the paint touched the wall, Nicole knew she had found her passion as an artist. “It was pure fun. Working on a large scale, smoothing the paint onto the wall, and creating different textures with my hands and brushes were a joy.”
That first mural transformed Nicole’s graphics company into a full time commercial and residential mural career. For more than four years, she painted large, exquisitely detailed wall murals in private residences, hospitals, city offices and shopping malls. Her work was gaining recognition and her word-of-mouth business was growing faster than she had ever anticipated.
Then, in 1998, at the persistent encouragement of her husband, Nicole retired from murals and began working on her own canvas collection. “Having been born with an innate love for living creatures and having had the privilege of creating an ocean scene for a previous client, I instantly knew what I wanted to paint and I knew it had to be large. Now, being able to initiate textures using my hands to move the paint onto the canvas is so fully satisfying and joyful. This is what I was meant to do.”
Amidst the world’s chaos, she quietly and humbly creates her masterpieces of soulful passion:
“My hope is that when you view my work, it causes you, for a moment, to just be still – to focus on the sacredness of life. Perhaps it will even trigger wonder for the one who so thoughtfully designed and lovingly created our world. The earth is teeming with abundant life and while we are here we must enjoy it fully and protect it carefully, as those who have been given an invaluable and precious gem.”
Today, Nicole specializes exclusively in large-scale canvas work and has found her calling. She spends her days dressed in paint spattered overalls, surrounded by multitudes of dripping brushes and paint cans.