Nelson de la Nuez

Nelson de la Nuez has created works of art that entertain and delight people throughout the world. He has used acrylics, watercolors, oils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, pastels, charcoals, and every type of paper and canvas. When he first began creating collages, he found that he loved juxtaposing images that one wouldn’t expect to see occupying the same space. Since a young age, colors and their effects on people have also intrigued Nelson. He has explored the juxtaposition of colors, as well, in his studies, including how they influence peoples’ emotions.
De la Nuez studied art history at Boston University and, in 1982, became quite taken with the French Impressionist and Post-Impressionist periods, particularly the work by Edward Manet, entitled Le déjeuner sur l’herbe (or Luncheon on the Grass). The image of three men fully dressed having a picnic with a naked woman struck him as odd and interesting. Through the art of collage, he began exploring the use of people and objects out of place with each other and their surroundings. He incorporated the works of the “masters,” such as van Gogh and Picasso and paid tribute to them through his humor.
Personally, Nelson possesses a childlike quality with a glowing brilliance. He sees life as a “backwards ride on a Ferris wheel while sitting in an enlightening philosophy course.” When he isn’t creating, he becomes restless and he tries to stay busy, using his work as a process of cathartic release. His images become performances – his characters the source of laughter and enjoyment. Nelson takes great joy in sparking laughter from the most unlikely people – some with a chuckle or a smirk that can’t be suppressed.
Nelson tries to create a new generation of art lovers, drawing upon icons and art history to entice younger minds, in turn provoking the interest of the generation above them. As his art translated through one generation to the next, he hopes to attract a deeper understanding of art history, presenting knowledge and insight through humor and irony.
De la Nuez is an innovative artist who captivates people with his outlandish, hilariously juxtaposed art. He is constantly creating new, thought-provoking images, which can be seen at various galleries, shows and cruise ships throughout the country. The L.A. Times called De la Nuez “the comedic da Vinci of our times.” His art is now published worldwide, available on everything from screensavers and puzzles to small, matted prints and large limited editions, which are hand-signed and numbered.
His sense of humor and ability to use these non-related images to achieve a whole new and stimulating outlook on life has brought him many awards and published features. The artist continues to challenge himself to incorporate new and exciting ideas into his art and his style. He believes he is a success if his art inspires people to either think beyond the norm or to laugh on a difficult day.